Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Council 4282 Nazareth, PA. serves the
parish of Holy Family Church in Nazareth and surrounding areas. You
can contact the Knights by mail at PO Box 511, Nazareth PA 18064.
Council 4282 meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm at
Holy Family Parish Center, at 500 W Center St. (corner of W. Center St. and N. Convent Ave.), Nazareth, PA. This site is Handicap Accessable.
Our council hosts a number of activities throughout the year. We hold Bingos 5 times per year for Seminarians, and fund scholarships for Catholic Children heading to Catholic High Schools in the area. We help with many aspects of the parish festival, including setting up the electrical, sponsoring the bands and helping with many of the stands at the festival including our refreshment stand.
We hold a Memorial Mass each year for deceased Knights and an annual Christmas party for the Knights and their families at which time we honor our Family of the Year and the Knight of the Year. The Council also presents a Rose and Rosary to all mothers of infants at the Baptismal services at Holy Family Parish.
Keeping Christ in Christmas is an event we sponsor every Christmas Season in our Parish.
We are also actively involved in Pro Life Activities, including the Baby Bottle campaign support Cay Galgon Life House, Bethlehem, PA.
Through the Knights of Columbus, you can take advantage of our Insurance Program. This is the Top Rated Insurance and is competitively priced to meet all your family needs. Our agent is Steven Sofranko. He can be reached at steven.sofranko@kofc.org.
If you are a Catholic male, age 18 or more and interested in a service organization that supports the Church and community then please contact Dennis Sullivan, Past Grand Knight cell phone, 484-862-6433, e-mail sulld107@aol.com or John Salmento, current Grand Knight, 610-570-1447, e-mail GrandKnight@kofc4282.org.